In the following document there is discussed Anti-Spam Policy in Server Trafficweb (further – company) in terms of all people, who use Server Trafficweb service (further-visitors). In the Spam policy applied major concepts comply with the website placement instructions (further instructions), where the definite concepts and their purport is defined by Server Trafficweb, apart from those cases when some concepts are separately defined in the following Spam policy.
The company does not tolerate spam and bans its customers to spread spam in any way during the usage of service. Throughout the implementation of the following Spam policy, the company follows the European Parliament Directive of the 8th June, 2000 and the European Council Directive 2000/31/EB regarding some information society service, especially E-Commerce and legal aspects in the home market (E-commerce directive), the European Parliament and Council Directive 2002/58/EB of the 12th July, 2002 regarding personal data processing and privacy protection in the electronic communication sector (Directive regarding privacy and electronic communication), the European Parliament and Council Directive 95/46/EB of the 24th October, 1995 regarding the personal protection of personal data processing as well as concerning free data movement under other international and national legal acts that are in force and applied as well as good business practice.
The Company is in the business of web hosting, not marketing. We use you personal data for internal purposes only, contact information, billing information, technical information, usage information and reseller information. The use of this information is mainly to assure quality service for our customers, and of course collect payment. On the other hand, visitor information is also use for internal purposes only. We conduct research with this data to improve our marketing strategy. In addition, we will not use any of this information to sell data or spam users, customers or visitors. The Company also stores all correspondence between us and our customers for record keeping and historical service reference. The Company does engage computer tracking with the SOLE purpose of identifying illegal usage or fraudulent behavior of some individuals or organizations that may be trying to operate or are in operations on our servers.
What Is Spam?
For the purposes of the following Spam policy, the company considers a spam being any unordered or unexpected message by the addressee that has been transferred via email or in another way while applying electronic connection and/or telecommunication networks. The transfer or spread of such spam in great quantities is considered being a transfer of spam, and it is strictly banned.
Customer’s Obligations
- Not to email spam to the people, who have not revealed a regard to receive them;
- Not to provide and not to propose the service under the application of which the third persons could spread spam;
- To implement and support appropriate technical means that secure that any third persons do not spread spam;
- Apply opt-in principle for any information sent via electronic means, and suggest effective means to refuse received spam;
- Not to collect, store, publish and spread data (e.g. email addresses) under the aid of which the spam can be sent;
The Implementation of the Spam Policy
The spread of the spam will be considered being the essential violation of instructions. In case the customer does not follow his/her obligations, related to the spread of the spam, for him/her there can be terminated or limited service supply.
Third Persons’ Complaints
In the case when the third persons give a claim or complaint to the company concerning the fact that the customer spreads spam or violated the Spam policy in another way, the company can ask the customer to provide with all information related to such complaint or claim, and during the investigation of the incident to terminate or limit the service supply.
Help Fight With Spam
If you receive spam from the company customer, immediately inform us via email or support help desk. Please be so kind and attach all the content of such a spam to the notice.